Salman Khan's pictures with body double Parvez Kazi from 'Radhe' sets go viral. Seen yet?
Superstar Salman Khan recently treated fans on Eid 2021 with the release of his film 'Radhe: Your Most Wanted Bhai.' While everyone is showering praises, pictures of the 55-year-old actor with his body double Parvez Kazi have gone viral on the internet. Shared from the sets of Radhe, the photos feature Kazi posing next to Khan wearing the same outfit as his. The two men can be seen twinning as they wore grey tees with blue shirts and posed for the camera. Parvez's close resemblance to the 'Dabangg' star has sent the Internet into a meltdown and everyone is talking about how similar the two of them look. The viral photo was shared by Kazi himself on Twitter with a caption reading, "With bhaijan @BeingSalmanKhan on set #RadheYourMostWantedBhai #Radhe #bodydouble (sic)."
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
from IndiaTV Entertainment: Google News Feed
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